Thursday, August 27, 2015

Air Purifier For Smokers - 10 Reasons Why We Need It levels of airborne particles, gases, chemicals, and volatile organic compounds are higher in the home than they are outside. While air pollution is thought to be a problem related to outdoor air, the same pollutants can be found indoors. With the majority of the people spending more than 70% of their lives indoors, indoor air quality has become an increasing influential factor on quality of life.
Modern buildings are designed to be energy efficient so as to maintain temperature, but as a consequence they do not breathe. This allows air pollutants to accumulate inside the building, as they cannot escape.

Air purifiers eliminate dangerous or unhealthy contaminants from the air, including dust, mold, pollen, and pet dander.  it has been said that the air we breathe has an impact on our emotions and wellbeing. This means that breathing cleaner air – thanks to an air purifier – you may not only be healthier, but you might even enjoy life a little bit more.These are 10 reasons why we need air purifiers : 

1.Tobacco smoke can aggravate allergies for those who suffer from them. The chemicals in the smoke irritate the lining of the lungs which triggers the negative reaction.Removing the smoke from the air can drastically reduce allergic reactions and asthma attacks. 

2.Second-Hand Smoke (SHS), or Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) is the inhalation of smoke, , by persons other than the intended "active" smoker.There has been much information about the effects of second-hand smoke offered in the last 30 years. Many studies have been conducted and they unanimously show that second-hand smoke can be just as deadly and full of carcinogens as what the smoker is inhaling. 

3.Children are the most vulnerable to the effects of second-hand smoke. The EPA reports that: “Children’s exposure to secondhand smoke is responsible for:
  • Increases in the number of asthma attacks and severity of symptoms in 200,000 to 1 million children with asthma. 
  • Between 150,000 and 300,000 lower respiratory tract infections (for children under 18 months of age)
Children’s lungs are not as developed as adults.  In short, if you have unhealthy lungs and a polluted environment as a child, you may experience an unhealthy respiratory tract as an adult. At worst, it can lead to serious health problems as an adult. 

4.The majority of homes’ indoor air is filled with toxic pollutants, volatile organic compounds, and other pollutants that can threaten the health of everyone inside. Think it’s not your home? The EPA estimates that “80 percent of most people’s exposure to pesticides occurs indoors and that measurable levels of up to a dozen pesticides have been found in the air inside homes.” …and that’s just pesticides alone. 

5.But even without the tobacco smoke, your air is still filled with allergens and irritants. Pollens, pet dander, dried fecal matter from pests, and other biological pollutants are constantly in the air and into your lungs every second. Pets are dear to most families but pet danders causing allergic reactions are not so lovable. If you can’t get enough of your furry family member but also can’t take any allergy attacks anymore, air purifiers  will capture those pet hairs every minute. 

6.The contaminates in the air you breathe are not limited to the tobacco smoke, pepticides and animal dirts in the air. 
Other contaminates include: paints and lacquers, paint strippers, cleaning supplies, pesticides, building materials and furnishings, office equipment such as copiers and printers, correction fluids and carbonless copy paper, graphics and craft materials including glues and adhesives, permanent markers, and photographic solutions. 

7.Air purifiers may help to reduce the formaldehyde found in some insulation, in homes built in the 1970s.  Some manufacturers made drapes and plywood with it. Formaldehyde causes many symptoms like irritation to the nose, eyes, throat,
Getting an air purifier for your home now can mitigate these dangers. 

8.Air purifiers are excellent at removing respirable and biological particles that come from wood stoves, kerosene heaters or fireplaces. These particles can cause bronchitis or cancer. Gas from indoor cooking contributes to the need for removing those particles. 

9.We breathe deeper when we sleep and with air purifiers in your room, you can be confident that it’s only clean air that enters your system.When you know that your house is dust-free and your loved ones only breathe pure air, your mood will really improve.You may notice that colds and flu are less frequent.Incidents of skin rashes and persistent coughs may be reduced. Itchy eyes and wheezing might even go away. You may find yourself wanting to share your clean air experiences with everyone, too. 

10.Quality air purifiers can fill the air in your home with crisp, clean, breathable fresh air. Imagine everyone in your home enjoying pleasant smells indoors, despite there being a smoker there. .The majority of those who buy an air purifier for smokers in their home tell an elimination of the smoke odor, but they also tell a fresh clean smell in the air.Imagine every time your family inhales, they get healthier.

Purchase an air purifier. There are numerous types of air purifiers on the market so be sure to buy one that is well suited for the dimension of your home.
